LETTA ITT Celebration 2020

LETTA trainees celebrated their recommendation for Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) this week. It might not have been the celebration we expected to be having when trainees embarked on this journey in September, but it was as lively, joyous and fun as anything we could have planned for.

Trainees put their new remote learning skills to great use and created some excellent content for the occasion. Be sure to check it out in the carousel at the bottom of the page.

We were fortunate to be joined by some very special people who are part of the LETTA family: Andrew Black, Chris Gibbons, Christine Chen, Lindsay Pickton, Penny Holden and Pie Corbett. Some of our partner school headteachers and mentors joined in too.

A huge thank you from the team to everyone who joined in to mark this special occasion for our LETTA trainees.