Successful Classroom Observation with Penny Holden

£495.00 excl. VAT


This 3 day programme will contribute to consistent evaluation of teaching, learning and assessment as well as outcomes across your school. It will support the development of a strong evidence base to enhance self-evaluation and provide opportunities to consider ways of enhancing pedagogy, managing performance, and improving achievement. Developed by experienced inspectors, this five-unit programme includes three tutor-led days combined with distance learning and an assessed lesson observation.


Who should attend?

LETTA ITT mentors, experienced and new leaders, including headteachers, principals, deputy and assistant headteachers, vice and assistant principals, heads of department, subject leaders and coordinators, and all those responsible for carrying out lesson observations.

Webinar – joining instructions will be sent prior to the event.

Dates are as follows: 15th June, 16th June & 14th July 2021, 10.30am-2.30pm


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