Professional Development for ITT Mentors – Autumn Term

Our CPD package is tailored to support all ITT Mentors in line with the new 2023/24 ITT requirements.

The training will cover the ITT curriculum, Successful Classroom Observation and Introduction to Instructional Coaching.

This new programme has been developed to support mentors and give them the tools they need to develop trainees within their schools.

Mentors are expected to attend all training.


Day 1: Wednesday 4th October – 9:30am-4:30pm

Day 2: Friday 6th October 2023 – 9:30am-4:30pm

Day 3: Wednesday 18th October 2023 – 8:30am-12:30pm

AUT 1 13.9.23 2-4pm Behaviour and culture
AUT 2: 17.11.23 2-4pm Pedagogy
SPR 1: 30.1.24 2-4pm Inclusion
SPR 2: 4.3.24 2-4pm Assessment
SUM 1: 23.4.24 2-4pm Curriculum
SUM 2: 11.6.24 2-3pm KAR and QTS

Mentor training dates 2023-24

  • Date: 4 October
  • Time: 09:30am - 04:30pm
  • Location: Stebon Primary School
  • Address: Wallwood Street, E14 7AD London
  • Cost: £ 200.00